
after months of hesitation — majorly rooted in the thought that most of my heart still beats in the northwest — i’ve officially committed to running the bed & breakfast here in Michigan next season..

with the big decision made, i’m starting to turn my focus to the act of curating..

(oh, and the act of budgeting for my salary→→→$$$)

it’s been too long

i didn’t take many photos on my portland trip with my real camera.. so instagram will suffice:

perhaps my favorite photo from my favorite day.

moments before the best meal.

my favorite camping trip, ever.

post-tattoo wine guzzling on the bluffs.

a great start to my second favorite day.

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since my return life has been far from sleepy, but these are a few of the quiet moments:

kombucha nightcapping while solo sunsetting

the other lake

burns park, party of one

i’ve found myself in a few too many diners lately..

and i’ve spent far too little time outside..


we’re building up the reserves for a trip to Lake Michigan next month, we’ll be brewing our second batch this week in a few days. dad always taught us to be prepared.

willy wonka in the park last night

& yesterday’s rain


we had a lovely surprise today at the cabin when one of J’s nurses brought little 5-week-old Winston by. she joked about leaving a baby in the car.. and when we figured out what kind, i bolted outside.

apparently Winston was being bullied by some larger pigs, so she’s fostering him until he can stand up for himself. in the meantime, like she does with all of her other piglet fosters, she plans to leash-train him and teach him tricks (“play dead” is a favorite, rather appropriately..)–  … and then she probably eats them.

she told a story about a particularly mean piglet that was rather nippy.. they decided to take a marker to him and draw the different  cuts of meat so they could taunt him about how big and tasty his hams were getting. genius.

what a day

We’ve waited three long, trying, terrible months for this.

We’re not exactly sleeping soundly tonight, but we’re all under the same roof.. and right now, I can’t ask for more.

John’s friends, neighbors and employees have been nothing short of amazing. For the last week while we impatiently watched his discharge date get pushed further and further back.. these people were ready and waiting to drop everything and come over with their signs and songs (yes, songs). The enthusiasm that they show for him is just a reflection of the light he shines on all of us. We’re so glad he’s home.

the sky tonight

we are very lucky to be snuggly situated between two beautiful lakes here at the cabin. the sun rises up over strawberry lake and sets over bass lake .. some nights are slightly less spectacular, but tonight was full of purples and oranges. this photo was taken well after sunset, but you get the gist:

i think that’s venus still sittin’ pretty in the trees.. a super-thin waxing crescent moon is in there somewhere too..